These section 42 applications ask that new permissions be granted, identical to expired permission for 19/000182/PPP but with changes to specific conditions.
Granton submitted planning applications 24/00031/FUL and 24/00030/FUL on 5 Jan 2024. They garnered 173 objections by the deadline of 16 Feb 2024. It appears these applications weren't valid, and Granton resubmitted* them 4 Mar 2024, along with a third application, 24/00247/FUL.
In reviewing the DMP† (regulations with which all planning applications must comply) we do not think that the applications comply with 11(3), 9(2)(c) & 10(3)(b). We think that the applications are invalid as a result and therefore should not be considered by SBC until further corrections are made to them.
Amongst other requirements, "The application must be accompanied ... where any neighbouring land is owned by the applicant, by a plan identifying that land"
Registers of Scotland show Granton owns PBL6298.
PBL6298 is Kingsmeadows House (red outline, immediately adjacent the proposed site).
Granton's applications all incorrectly indentify the neighbouring Kingsmeadows House as being outside Granton's owership.
We ask SBC to please check these concerns. If so, in light of DMP 14(1) and section 42(4), can these applications be corrected now permission has expired?
* The resubmission is not explained in the applications, but the forms now mention "section 42", presumably per DMP 11(3).
† DMP = Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 2013